Wednesday, March 25, 2009
I will be assimilated...

5 months of cuteness
Friday, March 13, 2009
Driving, part II: Theory, or in Dutch, Theorie
So remember how I mentioned that I like to make things harder on myself than they have to be sometimes? Case in point: I chose to take my driving theory exam in Dutch.
The exam is available in English, but you have to take it in a town about 2 hours away from here and it's only offered a couple of times a year. And the books cost about twice as much. Those reasons and the fact that I did know some Dutch, having lived here for 2 years at that point helped me to conveniently forget that easy is not always a bad thing. What I also conveniently forgot is that each new venture that I undertake in the Dutch language has its own set of vocabulary that I haven't tended to come across yet, making my learning curve steep every time.
Working at an all-Dutch company? Hello university level sentence structure, business jargon and technical documents - in Dutch!
Starting my Dutch language classes? Hello Dutch names for all the parts involved in grammar and words involved in a classroom setting that you never hear at home! And all the grammar words tend to be longer words I've found. Dutch for 'noun': zelfstandig naamwoord.
So it went for studying the Dutch rules of the road. I started with a book loaned by the driving instructor, with the intention of keeping track of unknown words in Excel, like I did for work. I quickly realized that would be quite unhandy since I wasn't always studying at the computer and I added things too often to have it worth printing out. I went to the local bookstore and ordered a copy and after that, just wrote directly in the book.
It was excruciatingly slow at first. I didn't have a really good Dutch-to-English dictionary at that time and I had to ask T constantly what words meant then scribble them in the margins of the book. Sure, I knew what an 'auto' was, but they used 'motorvoertuig' (motor vehicle) instead. A lot of words to get used to. I diligently studied my way through a book that was at least 10 times as thick as I had used in the US.
One section that amused me greatly concerned how to behave around certain other groups of people on/near the road. It contained such gems as letting me know that kids playing on the sidewalk can make unpredictable movements. And did you know that you have to allow extra crossing time for old people because...they might be slow?? Seriously, an entire chapter.
The book came with a CD of practice exams and here's where my experience really changed. I in no way expected the exam to be paper and pencil. I expected to be sitting at a computer to take a multiple choice exam. Yeah, not so much. You sit in a room with about 50 other people, all at desks arranged into long rows. The desk has a small keypad sunk into it, partially shielded. The keypad has 0-9, A-C, and Ja/Nee (yes/no) and some key to cancel your answer (I forget what it was). There are several hanging TVs throughout the room. The exam appears on the TVs and everyone has the same time limit to answer each question as it comes up. That time limit is 8 seconds.
Each question is a scenario, a photo of a car in a certain situation or in some cases, as if you are looking out from behind the wheel. You read the question and possible answers and give your answer based on what you see in the photo. In 8 seconds. In Dutch. So you aren't just asked 'What's the speed limit outside the city?' No, the question is 'What is the speed limit here?' while you are shown a car and have to determine by road signs, etc., whether it is inside or outside of the city. For the scenarios where you appear to be behind the wheel of the car, you also have to take into consideration such things as what appears on the speedometer of your dashboard. No skipping and going back to a question later. No time to sit and ponder.
The first couple of times I tried to practice at my computer, I failed miserably. You are allowed to miss 6 questions out of 50. Almost every question I missed was because I didn't understand the question correctly. There would be one word or phrase that I didn't know that altered the meaning for me. I began to get panicky about the exam, which I had already signed up for. Luckily T pointed out that likely a lot of the questions would be similar, so the more exams I did and review of the book, the easier it would be. Luckily, this was also true.
After much stress and tears of frustration (thanks, pregnancy hormones!), I passed the exam with 46 out of 50 on the first try. I received not a learner's permit (they don't have those here), but a document saying I passed that is valid for one year from the test date. Assuming I pass my practical exam in April, I take both documents to city hall and trade them in for Dutch drivers license.
Part III, differences in driving here vs. the US to follow...
Oh the lols we'll have...
The word 'lol' existed in Dutch long before the internet.
What does it mean? 'Fun'.
Prophetic, no?
Here, have some lol:
Now I'm terribly curious what exactly a 'swedish dance band' sounds like. Which reminds me: I intend to get together some links of 'traditional' Dutch music to bleed your eardrums with. In the meantime, think 'beer barrel polka' and you're almost there.
Thursday, March 12, 2009
This is what I see every morning:
Driving Miss Me, part I
It's been 20 years since I took my driving test in the US. I'm going through it all again now, Dutch style. Maybe it's different now also in the US, but for me, this has been a difficult 'adventure'.
In the US, the theory part consisted of walking in to the DMV, standing in the insanely long line, receiving a paper packet and sitting in an area with desk cubbies to fill out my exam. I then dutifully turned it in, got scored and received my learner's permit. With that, I could drive for a year as long as I was with a licensed driver. When it came time to take my practical exam, my mom and I took the parental car to the next town over, as our own town was notorious for having a very hard exam. You had to parallel park and everything! Oh the horror at the idea of having to actually be competent! Instead I took an exam that consisted of driving about 4 blocks in a big square. I got in trouble for not slowing down enough at crossings where I had the right of way, but that was the only glitch. I'm not quite sure what was up with that choice of exam, since generally I'm a person who challenges themselves, who got involved in plenty of stuff when I was younger that makes me now think, "WHY did I put myself through that and do it the hard way??"
Either I've wimped out in my old age or the omnipresent difficulty of living in a foreign land has put me in a mindset where I want things to be generally easy. Cue Dutch Driving Instruction twirling its villainous mustache at me while cackling.
The Dutch driving age is 18. You can drive a scooter at 16 and they're pretty popular here among the high school crowd. And much, much safer than driving one in the US. The drinking age here begins at 16 for beer and wine. I rather like the idea that kids can get used to being drunk before they can use a car. Crashing a bike while drunk is not nearly as problematic. And very common, according to T. At least now I know to look forward to it with the kids (sigh).
Driving schools. Multiple. In my hometown, there was just one. Granted we were a rather small town, so the school had a definite monopoly. Here, as long as you are certified and do continuing education and have the correctly outfitted car, anyone can do it. We didn't go with the recommendation of a cousin and picked one based on website.
If you've never driven, you're better off buying one of the complete packets offered by driving schools. These run around 2k, but are intended to give a completely new driver as many lessons as it takes to be competent enough to pass the test. This also includes the exam fee, which is around 200 euros. After my first lesson, they confirmed that I could indeed drive just fine and that I only needed some 'loose' lessons to make sure I could pass the test, knew all the specific Dutch signs, etc. I think I drove a total of two weeks or somesuch in high school. We had 3 students and the instructor in the car. Each person would drive a bit, then switch. You were expected to get the most practice driving with other people using the learner's permit. Not so here. You aren't allowed to drive except with a driving instructor, in their car. They are all clearly marked with a big L on top of the car and outfitted with extra pedals and mirrors and whatnot for the instructor. When you take your exam, you will use their car and they will ride along with you, presumably to know what to fix if you fail.
Not knowing how things really work and having gotten a lot of instruction from T, I just signed up with a driving school to begin the driving lessons. Not having done the theory exam first was a mistake as I spent the first few lessons being yelled at and not understanding why a lot of the time. They have a weird slant on 'conservation' here in regards to driving. Things like taking your foot off the brake while at a stoplight (and putting on the hand brake if you would roll) to save your brake lights. Braking as little as possible to save your brake pads (and instead just letting off the gas, even if that means starting to slow insanely far away from your stop). Driving a very specific speed in each gear to use gas the most efficiently (instead of just switching based on what the motor sounds like or the rpms). These things are actually covered in the theory book and having not read it, I didn't understand the irritation of the instructor.
I didn't like him anyway. He seemed oddly arrogant and kept taking personal calls on his cell unrelated to work. Plus, he was sneaky about the price. He advertised a certain price for 45 minutes, around the same price that most places charged for an hour. What was not mentioned anywhere was that he only would give lessons for 1.5 hours. So you end up paying double what you'd expect for a lesson. It's not illegal or anything, just sneaky. Not to mention 1.5 is really a bit long to try to hold good concentration for such a thing. After about 4 lessons, I got an email saying that they were no longer giving lessons and were instead concentrating on motorcycle lessons. I was getting towards the end of my pregnancy anyway and although I fit behind the wheel, other things were becoming difficult, like turning enough to look behind me.
Post-pregnancy we signed up with the school that the cousin had recommended. What a world of difference! A nice husband and wife team who speak calmly to you no matter what you're screwing up. They immediately put my name in for the driving exam, confident that I only needed a few more lessons and knowing that it would be several weeks before there was an open spot. I finally feel like I am making good progress at filling in those little knowledge gaps and I have an end date in sight.
Part II to follow with my experience taking the theory exam and the differences in driving here and in the US.